Thursday, August 15, 2013

Open Hands

We were standing in in the nearly empty kitchen looking into the echoing living room bare of everything but two scrunched together couches.  It hit us again.  What are doing?  Are we crazy?  How can this be smart?

And it hit me again....the words I explained to the children at the beginning of this house selling journey.

"We cannot accept what God has for us, if we are holding so tightly to what we already have." We have to be willing to live life with an open hand because a closed hand can neither give or receive.  So we open our hands,  thankful for what we have and willing to give it all up to receive what God has for us.

Our hands are tired, calloused, dirty and for some, a little busted up this week.

We are thankful for the opportunity to live with our lives and our hands open to receiving all that God has for  us.  We pack up to move on this week, leaving words on the walls that we have painted with our hands but believe with all our hearts.

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