So we traveled far last week.....three hours in the car, 4 hours on a plane, another 2 hours on a plane, another hour in the car. We arrived in another world yet it was exactly the same in so many ways. Time seemed of no consequence. Cell phones and watches were tucked away and we traversed the day immersed in a sense of God's timing for all things and not our own agenda. It was wonderful, faith building, messy, stretching and refreshing! The kids and I shared a week with dear friends in a little village of Belize. We walked the dusty roads, shared meals together, worked side by side to love the people of this little place called Las Flores.

When time is of little consequence there is a perspective that shines bright. God's ways are not our ways, His timing is not ours but His ways and His timing are perfect! We traveled far to work with our hands in an orphange filled with children. When we arrived, we learned that the orphanage we planned to spend the week working in was already receiving help by many who had also traveled far. The Lord closed that door of ministry to swing wide another that was more perfect than we could have even imagined. Just down the road from where we were staying, there was a tired little house with peeling green paint. Next to the house was an open room with rusty folding chairs used for church every night. On the other side of the tired green house was a little space about the size of a cozy utility room. That space is called Anna's Kitchen.

Miss Anna and her mountain moving faith, feed hungry children every day during the school lunch hour. Anna and her dear husband have four children of their own and often aren't sure how they will pay their electric bill. But on faith, she fixes food for hungry tummies every day wether she has run out of propane and must cook on an open fire or in the confines of the tiny little kitchen. The children and I, along with dear friends were blessed with the time and resources to give Anna's Kitchen a face lift.
Moriah braiding Clarissa's hair...this dear girl lives behind the kitchen with her mother. Miss Anna and her husband took them in to escape a hurtful father.
Little Anna, Miss Anna's daughter sand Samarah Jo became dear friends
Jeff had a pile of boys hanging around him all week that loved borrowing his sunglassas and playing soccer with him.
By helping her, she encouraged us in our faith and constantly gave glory to God in her words and actions. We learned so much about sparrow faith and what is really important. So many irons in the fire as we return home to our harried pace of life. Praying that God would help me to retain the lessons of perpective, priority and peace that seemed to speak so loudly in a little village of Belize.