My children have been His chief tool for the shaping of me, shaving off the certainty, molding a softer version, raising up a gumption necessary to face another day.
Evidently, they needed me – who I thought I was and who I’ve become – to mold their beings.
And certainly, I needed them – who they were and weren’t, who they are and aren’t, who they will be and won’t be – to become who I was, am —
and who I will be."
I read this from Ann Voskamp's blog this morning and was so blessed by the perfection of God's timing since this is what I have been dwelling on and wrestling with this week.
Letting go of the control reigns for this type A momma is really hard! I want it all to look good, taste good, fit good, be good. Sometimes good is the misfit, the ugly beautiful, the muddy messy floor that has hollering but happy children running all over it. This year has been so good for my soul in letting go of pretenses, expectations, and standards that I shouldn't have set in the first place. It has brought me to a place of contentment and really seeing priorities like never before. Looking back, I see where God has brought me from and am excited to dig in for more hard growth so that He can mold me into the momma he wants me to be.
If you had asked me one year ago if I:
~ would be shopping for beautiful hard woods with my 13 year old son so that he could start building little boxes for babies that have gone home too early and parents who need a precious reminder of their little ones I would have said "that is too hard to think about, no not us"
~ would be telling my sixteen year old to put the math book where she can't see it for the next few months to rest her heart and brain from the stress of pushing to hard, I would have said "no not us"
~would be researching dreadlocks with my ten year old cause they sound fun to her, daddy said yes and now it is just a matter of when and what kind, I would have said "no not us"
God is helping me see heart issues over what things look like to the outside world...I pray he keeps pushing me to see His heart in all the issues that come my way.
As I look back over the grace gifts journal I have kept these last eight years I see in part some of His purposes. So I write here, to look back over the graces and growth He is allowing in our lives and so that we can remember again that we serve a faithful God.
So we count graces weekly with pictures, and write graces in the journal and remember so we can look back and tell our children's children of His faithful grace.
If you had asked me one year ago if I:
~ would be shopping for beautiful hard woods with my 13 year old son so that he could start building little boxes for babies that have gone home too early and parents who need a precious reminder of their little ones I would have said "that is too hard to think about, no not us"
~ would be telling my sixteen year old to put the math book where she can't see it for the next few months to rest her heart and brain from the stress of pushing to hard, I would have said "no not us"
~would be researching dreadlocks with my ten year old cause they sound fun to her, daddy said yes and now it is just a matter of when and what kind, I would have said "no not us"
As I look back over the grace gifts journal I have kept these last eight years I see in part some of His purposes. So I write here, to look back over the graces and growth He is allowing in our lives and so that we can remember again that we serve a faithful God.
Deuteronomy 4:9 Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children's children ~
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