Thursday, June 12, 2014

More Open Books....A nightstand tour one year later.

About a year ago I did a survey of the nightstands around our home.  I posted some of the current favorites that each member of the family was working on.  I took a little nightstand tour recently and found a wealth of encouragement in seeing the words that were being devoured around the house.  Hoping these pictures spark some interest for you of titles that might entice some good summer reading.

Amber's current collection...
Praying Scripture for your Children
Empty Nest
My old and wearing out Evidences of Grace journal
The Nesting Place
What's Best Next

Moriah's current collection...
Her Bible
Crazy Love
Praying for Your Future Husband
A beginning to wear out journal
...another journal :-)

Jeff's current reads...
Lone Survivor
Bible Charts, Maps and Time Lines
Small Arms

Samarah's collection...
American Girl books
A favorite journal
Her tattered copy of Little House on the Prairie

Jordan's Current book
The Killer Angels

Corban's collection
This little guy has been playing so hard during the
day that the only thing he is reading in the evening
is the back of his eyelids while snuggling "tanner"

Our Current Family Read Aloud
I loved reading books of Historical Fiction by the Thoenes growing up.
This western series is shaping up to be a perfect fit for our family this summer....we just
left off with the key players in the book needing to green break 40 mustangs in less than a month so the army can purchase them.

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